Oil world increase of price trigger crisis appearance [in] almost entire/all state [in] world of[is including Indonesia. For the Indonesia of this oil increase of price trigger various problem [at] various area, like economics and politics and also social. Political to from the aspect of emerge to feel is unconvinced [of] Parliament ( DPR) to government so that emerge enquette rights concerning policy [of] Fuel Oil ( BBM). Economic to from the aspect of emerge increase [of] price, pushing inflation [at] a peg higher. Social to from the aspect of emerge various social trouble like appearance demonstrate as disgruntled statement to governmental policy.
Appearance various this reaction can be tolerated because BBM represent needed goods by everybody. Increase of price BBM will depress economic expenditure from each and everyone and every body will feel annoyed.
seen [at] condition of home affairs, our find the happening of use [of] BBM which mounting. requirement [of] Domestic to BBM show remarkable improvement because have happened change [of] pattern live urban community and countryside, in line with economic growth and culture. [In] town, use [of] electronic goods in domestic push use [of] ever greater BBM. Not to mention us reckon growth [of] town, increase of[is amount of and resident transfer [of] resident from countryside to town. All this cause push use [of] BBM excelsior.
Governance institute also that way. In line with progress [of] governance and to heighten governmental officer work productivity, most of all governmental office specially [in] town use air conditioner. And so it is with growth [of] industrial sector and commerce needing many BBM.
[Is] but seen from the aspect of the availaibility of BBM hence its growth remain to. [All] is expert [of] oil even express its growth [of] negativity. Thereby happened big difference [among/between] and request availability [of] BBM in Indonesia. big difference happened [in] BBM price moment bounce up governmental to high so that become to muddle. BBM [is] goods getting subsidy from government. That mean government have to pay [for] subsidy in number very big. Is not wrong if told [by] Indonesia in crisis. Availaibility of low BBM, request go up, high BBM price, high inflation, economics walk is tardy, government find difficulties [in] greeting provide subsidy fund.
09 Juli 2008
Indonesia in Crisis
04 Juli 2008
Parliament enquette rights
Enquette [is] DPR rights. Choice increase price Fuel oil only a policy which all the time by [party/ side] of[is including government [is] difficult choice.
Increase price, more than anything else Fuel oil price, is not choice which politically profit government, more than anything else decision taken [by] before legislative general election and election [of] president in the year 2009. Government allow the release of its[his] it. That thing sensible if comprehended [by] [all] DPR member of[is including executing enquette rights.
From that logic, [is] crystal clear with choice increase price Fuel oil, governmental prioritize better assumed policy choice [it] to importance [of] state and people from [at] importance [of] its politics. Meanwhile, we also enunciated, economic policy in face of Fuel oil increase of price and food [in] global market is not modestly, but very complex.
From that facet, DPR step make government have to be more be comprehensive and careful test to repeat consideration increase price fuel. From that facet [of] DPR enquette rights share is positive. Positive though, use [of] that rights at the same time also bother governmental concentration to find equipment [of] policy increase price fuel as positive as possible, as consistent as possible, at the same time to obviate heavier burden to publics.
use [of] this Rights enquette also sue political ethics and convention [of] democracy which (it) is true still we have to wake up with. common sense And [common/ public] praktik about democracy assume, DPR member from governmental coalition member party [do] not support use [of] enquette opposing and suing governmental policy. More konkret again, ethicsly political and common sense, dissonant and is not consistent if party which [is] its member sit as minister follow to support the the rights. Logical if that problem [is] upraised upon which criticize and polemic.
This is challenge [is] most off all faced [by] government. To the anything, in complexity and its it[him] problem which must prioritize [is] and safety prosperity [of] publics.
20 Juni 2008
Indonesia Farmer
Indonesia [is] agricultural country, its meaning most Indonesia resident live by agriculture, live by to have cultivation. And up to now existence [of] Indonesia remain not bolt as agricultural country. Its meaning [of] fulcrums live most Indonesia resident still from agricultural sector.
We conscious governmental and conscious also that agriculture remain to be fulcrums live most Indonesia people therefore it is on the right track [to] if agriculture become especial priority in this state development. but Governmental have many times changed but agricultural sector still [is] not developed
Why us mention [is] not developed? First reason [is] Because evidence and fact indicate that governmental policy remain to have never stood up for [all] farmer. second, to the number of problem which is concerning farmer but have never been finished completely. just For example is, News about costly and scarce [his/its] manure, almost every day we read and hear [in] mass media
To [reply/ answer] this problem, government [pass/through] Minister of Agriculture always say that supply fertilize enough, government will subsidize manure. But its fact differ. Besides price fertilize very costly, its availability nor is clear. Occurence like this usually happened moment before season plant and that take place routinely from year to year.
problem [of] Farmer do not be there. Natural problem also partake to influence. Moment the rains arrive, rice field always floods. Conversely when dry season arrive hence which attend [is] dryness. Though this represent natural factor, but in fact that natural cycle can be reckoned previously, especially science moment expand at full speed like in this time. Farmer outside Indonesia have utilized the forecast of weather as guidance when they start to have cultivation.
Problem faced [by] farmer in Indonesia in fact represent classic problem routinely. Governmental to but have no "political will" to make policy standing up for farmer
To farmer in Indonesia expectation to obtain;get protection and subsidy from government still very small. They [do] not ask many to government. They only ask government to provide seed with quality and provide infrastructure like adequate water string and irrigation and also control agricultural produce commodity price. This [is] just have enough make them if government will stand up for them
17 Juni 2008
World Peace Forum
secondary World Peace Forum, its plan will be carried out [by] [at] 24-26 June 2008 [in] Jakarta and will be attended [about/around] 100 religion figure, political, business, intellectual, and journalist from whole world. Besides also will be attended 120 figure from within country.
Big event [is] initiative by Muhammadiyah, Centre For Dialogue Cooperation Civilizations among and ( CDCC) And Cheng Ho Multi Culture Trust as speciffically will discuss hardness problem and way of to overcoming it. Besides also to open space dialogued [by] between world figure and strengthen network between civilization where attitude [is] esteeming each other the expected can yield a recommendation.
(It) is true there [is] a kind of image among world society, religion making world [do] not peace. Hardness action ending [at] murder sometime early from a problem [of] religion. its its[his] Last, do religion teach hardness? [Do] not! Any Religion [of] this world have never taught hardness
war and hardness, (it) is true often happened. Nothing that can ascertain war and hardness can desist. Today possible [in] one area [there] no war and hardness, but [in] [is] same day [in] other area also, tens of estranged people [of] soul because war and hardness
World Peace Forum [is] a forum trying to converse problem [of] peace. Will succeed this forum? Nothing that can ascertaining it. But at least this forum [is] try to huddle up difference which during the time emerge in the centre of world society. difference [of] Religion which during the time become hardness cause and war is not the cause of that war and hardness. In fact hardness appearance cause and war [is] is inequitable, greed, momentary importance and other negative things.
11 Juni 2008
Promotion your Blog
make all of you which will exchangelink and or link promotion, blog, web all of you can leave comment all of you here.
note : after link [is] all of you attached [by] [in] this blog, all of you [is] obliged to [do/conduct] matter which is [in] blog all of you.
To practice governance which [is] democracy [in] beloved country. This Blog invite friend altogether to give suggestion & criticism to the existing governmental policy [is] area and also [in] center. Here you can pour your aspiration about governance [in] this country. Each;Every comment all of you will be laboured to be to be read by pertinent functionary exist in center especially area.
All of you also can give solution to our government.
I expect all poured comment here [do] not contain SARA, desecrate, rasism and bother certain [party/ side] and also importance [of] national...
make functionary father which wish to listen liver scream [all] aspirator, just click word "Aspiration" below
19 Mei 2008
Aspirasi rakyat SUMUT
buat kalian yang memiliki keluhan tentang Pemerintahan di SUMUT terutama di Medan, silahkan sampaikan keluhan kalian. mulai dari masalah jalanan yang rusak, preman yang meresahkan disuatu tempat, pelanggaran dari aparat negara sampai dengan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi oleh Pejabat yang ada diSUMUT ini. Blog ini akan menyampaikan aspirasi anda semua ke Pemko Medan .
Jadi tolong berikan Identitas lengkap dari para pelaku....
Untuk mempraktekkan pemerintahan yang demokrasi di negeri tercinta ini. Blog ini mengajak teman-teman semuanya untuk memberikan saran & kritikan atas kebijakan pemerintah yang ada didaerah maupun di pusat. Disini kaLian daPat menuangkan aspirasi (keluhan)kalian tentang pemerintahan di negeri ini. Setiap comment kalian akan diusahakan dibaca oleh pejabat-pejabat yang bersangkutan yang ada di pusat terutama didaerah.
Kalian juga dapat memberikan solusi bagi pemerintah kita.
Saya mengharapkan semua ccomment yang dituangkan disini tidak mengandung SARA, Porno dan mengganggu pihak tertentu maupun kepentingan nasional...
buat bapak-bapak pejabat yang ingin mendengarkan jeritan hati para aspirator, bapak dapt mengklik kata "comment" dibawah ini.....