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17 Juni 2008

World Peace Forum

secondary World Peace Forum, its plan will be carried out [by] [at] 24-26 June 2008 [in] Jakarta and will be attended [about/around] 100 religion figure, political, business, intellectual, and journalist from whole world. Besides also will be attended 120 figure from within country.

Big event [is] initiative by Muhammadiyah, Centre For Dialogue Cooperation Civilizations among and ( CDCC) And Cheng Ho Multi Culture Trust as speciffically will discuss hardness problem and way of to overcoming it. Besides also to open space dialogued [by] between world figure and strengthen network between civilization where attitude [is] esteeming each other the expected can yield a recommendation.

(It) is true there [is] a kind of image among world society, religion making world [do] not peace. Hardness action ending [at] murder sometime early from a problem [of] religion. its its[his] Last, do religion teach hardness? [Do] not! Any Religion [of] this world have never taught hardness

war and hardness, (it) is true often happened. Nothing that can ascertain war and hardness can desist. Today possible [in] one area [there] no war and hardness, but [in] [is] same day [in] other area also, tens of estranged people [of] soul because war and hardness

World Peace Forum [is] a forum trying to converse problem [of] peace. Will succeed this forum? Nothing that can ascertaining it. But at least this forum [is] try to huddle up difference which during the time emerge in the centre of world society. difference [of] Religion which during the time become hardness cause and war is not the cause of that war and hardness. In fact hardness appearance cause and war [is] is inequitable, greed, momentary importance and other negative things.

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